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Strike Ends at the Port of Montreal

Dear Customer,


Please find update received from the industry late Friday:


“The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) welcomes the truce announced today by the Maritime Employers Association (MEA) and the Longshoremen Union CUPE Local 375 at the Port of Montreal. The MPA also welcomes the agreement in principle reached between the MEA and the Port of Montreal Checkers' Union this morning.


After several consecutive days of strike action, the 1,125 longshore workers at the Port of Montreal will be back at work at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 23 to provide berthage and cargo handling services in all Port of Montreal terminals.


The MEA and the Longshoremen Union have agreed to a seven-month truce during which no pressure tactics will be used, a period that will allow both parties to continue negotiating while fully maintaining port operations.


These latest developments will enable the Port of Montreal, Canada's second largest port, to resume its key role as the driving force behind Greater Montreal's supply chain, to the benefit of Canadian importers and exporters.


"I would like to thank all the parties involved, namely the MEA, the Longshoremen's Union and the Checkers' Union," said Sylvie Vachon, President and CEO of the MPA. "With their exemplary collaborative efforts the Port of Montreal is now able to resume serving its clients effectively, benefitting the whole economy. This is great news for the Port, but more importantly, for all the businesses depending on port operations."


Normal operations will resume at all port facilities on Sunday, August 23 effective 7:00 a.m.”


Please note that it will take some time to clear the backlog of vessels and cargo within the pipeline which were impacted as a result of the disruption.  Both railroads will need to readjust their networks to reinstate normal operations in Montreal while at the same time clear the backlogs in both Saint John and Halifax.


All parties involved will be working as efficiently as possible in the days ahead to resume normal operations.


Thank you for your patience throughout this ordeal.  We will be working to revise bookings on a case by case as soon as updates are made available by the industry.


Please reach out to your Hensall Global contacts should you have any questions or concerns.





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